“A good woman is hard to find, and worth far more than diamonds”

Proverbs 31:10

The recession bit hard! First it started with the reduction of her husband’s pay check, then came the announcement that the company could not keep up with the enormous task of paying overhead without commensurate profit and then the retrenchments. Her husband was affected. He had had a lucrative job that paid all the bills to a T and she didn’t have to soil her toes…except of course it had to do with running after the kids and taking care of the home front. 

Then reality set in! Her allowance dwindled and then came to a grinding halt. She knew she had to readjust. Her marriage oaths said “For better or for worse”. They had no savings left to fall back on and truth be told, they had been a little bit too comfortable and had forgotten to cover their backs. No one ever anticipated that her husband of all people would be affected…but he was. That was the reality they had to deal with.

She dusted her resume. She was a trained and qualified accountant and had to knock on several doors until a window finally opened for her from which some rays of sunlight streamed in until her husband found something else to do to earn some income. 

The scene above represents the reality of some women. Single, married, single mother or whatever role you currently play, life deals different cards to you at different stages of your life. Some of these experiences require that you make a decision; decide to be a pushover and do nothing or take the bull by the horn and respond with equal strength.

In the example above, strength was shown by the support the woman gave to her husband in trying times. Don’t let anyone fool you, it is a lot sweeter to be weak than strong…at least for a while that is, until you have to go through the famous reality checks. 

It could be a single woman battling with all kinds of ailments where it is just easier to give up and give in to fear or dealing with lack and joblessness and it’s easy to just lose yourself and trade your significance to become a certified dependent (meanwhile nothing do your hands and feet o, cos let’s face it :people become CEOs and yet are far less opportuned than you are).

It can also be just someone who has accepted the status quo that women never amount to anything good or are not as intelligent as their male counterpart. In this part of the world, where I am privileged to come from, it is very common for a woman who have lots of female children to be looked upon as a dismal failure (since in addition to being a living human oven, she also shares God’s position as being a child giver, perhaps). Or you happen to be raised in that kind of family where any investment preferences are first given to the important males in the family then you get the leftovers.
Back up a little bit sister. Grab your cup of green tea (since the fad these days is to stay trim), let’s think about this logically shall we? You have to be a lot of things in one. You are the one who is endowed with intuitiveness, great multi-tasking skills, ability to smile even when you are losing blood every month and it hurts like hell or worse, you carry a human being for nine months who goes in as a tiny cell called sperm and comes out as a fully developed human being, you are the only one who can drive, and plan the menu and deliver the speech all in your mind at one time. You are a lot of things in one, remember! And you let people get away with calling you weak? Think again! Do not lose the hidden treasure that God has put into you. For in keeping your head high comes the noble character to keep walking tall (not necessarily on heels though:mrgreen:). You are God’s finest creation. Noble, strong and very beautiful inside out. 

​Marvellous Okoro (Mrs)

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Me and my body. …Understanding and maximizing your femininity

On the total woman,  we had a guest contributors write on the topic “Understanding your femininity” Enjoy!


“To be, or not to be…” That is the question.
When I was approached to write on this topic, I was excited because it is something I feel quite passionate about. Femininity… The glorious beauty of being female in a testosterone laden world.

Unfortunately because it is a testosterone laden world, our women are letting go of that which makes them special and tuning to the crappy frequency set by the world. Abusing, degrading and fueling negativity into what should be considered sacred as a holy grail. I am quite astonished when women from all walks of life display little to no confidence in themselves.

“Why do women want to dress like men when they’re fortunate enough to be women? Why lose femininity, which is one of our greatest charms? We get more accomplished by being charming… ” 
― Tasha Tudor

We live in a world where the concept of femininity and basically being a woman, is adjusted to suit the social standards. I am a woman and I glory in everything that makes me a woman. If this means that I wear a figure-hugging skirt and a top that flatters my complexion, then it is what I do. If it means I do not hesitate to use my charms to score a point maybe by using this smile I have been graced with… then Sister, it is what I would do without any shame or hesitation because it defines me. I am a woman first of all and who am I to question the creator who made you the glorious female you are?

The reason why it is particularly easy to ridicule the idea of empowering femininity is because the society as a whole already harbors dismissive attitudes toward anything considered feminine. We need to move beyond this knee-jerk tendency to dismiss and demean feminine gender expression. That nurturing tendency should not be shelved away because it makes you look weak within the professional sphere. If you tend to nurture people because it comes naturally to you, then do not discard it because it is not the accepted leadership style.

I digress. My body and I… Understanding and maximizing your femininity is a kettle of fish all its own. The female body is created for sensuality and divinity, not to be hidden and shamed. Regardless of your body type, you should carry it with grace and pride. It is YOUR body, and unique to you. Treat it well!!!!! Stop disrespecting it by plowing it full of crap that isn’t healthy for it. Garbage in, Garbage out. Sow crap, reap crap.
Now, I know a lot of people are jumping on the fitfam train because it’s hip and trendy but have you considered how much your body would appreciate it? And in the spirit of being vain, how much more wolf whistles you’ll get? Dang girl, smell the coffee!!!

Taking care of this body you have is one of the primary duties you have on earth. It is one of the talents you have been given. Can you give a good account of it when you are called to? That said, your beauty does not lie in how tall, skinny, limber or what not that you are. Your femininity is an attitude that you should wear with pride.

Femininity is about harmony, it’s about power. Harmony is beauty; beauty is power. Thus, ultimate harmony is ultimate power. If you seek true beauty, no amount of make-up can compensate for a competitive attitude or anger. What gives you true beauty ? When you are naked in the morning, what makes you beautiful?

Femininity is about having the power of winds and oceans which can shape any cliffs and mountains. It is about having such fluidity that it becomes unshakable, unstainable and unpredictable. Does water bend to the will of boats, or do boats follow the flow of water? Does the wind bend to the will of cliffs, or does it shape the cliffs?

The ability to make use of your femininity is the ability to rule the world. I will leave you with this quote by Roman Payne:

“She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs…
She belonged to no man nor city…”

To thine own self, be true.

Theodora Chimonez

The Spiritual Woman : Part 2


The poverty bit them hard!  After the loss of her husband which “earned” her the name ‘The Widow’, it had been really hard to get by. The only inheritance he left her was a huge pile of debt.
As she looked through her pantry, she realised that she only had enough for a meal for two: her son and herself.

She sighed! What else was she supposed to do? She was constantly bothered by the people who her husband owed money. No one had offered her help. So she made up her mind that after the last meal finished,  they might as well wait to die.

She heard the rap and creek of the old bamboo gate. As she stepped out, she was greeted by a haggard looking man…the prophet she realised as she looked more closely. 
“No food here ” she blurted out when The Prophet told her of his mission. But he would have none of that. “Make me a meal. ..and do it now!” After she hesitated a bit, she went on to knead the last dough and wondered to herself the wisdom in what she was doing.

The meal tasted really delicious.  He knew it was from her heart . “Woman” he called out to her, “do you still have any thing left?” “No my Prophet,  just a jar of oil.” He nodded.
“Go and find some more jars. Borrow as much as you can find, then turn the oil into these jars, sell them and pay off your husband’s debts.

Many times, God’s word comes to us to sort out our situations.  We have only two choices;
*obey 👍
*not to obey👎
As Spiritual women,  God expects us to cling unto His word. There’s always a solution in the word. That’s why we need to fill our hearts with the truth of the word of God. ..not just emotions. If what you feel does not line up with the truth,  then the feelings doesn’t matter. It’s a hard truth!☺
Sisters,  let’s stick to the truth of the word of God! 🎀

Have a beautiful Tuesday😚

The Spiritual Woman : Part 1


The door opened slightly as Abigail peeped into the door of her Mistress’ bedroom. Esther, the beautiful new queen and bride was sitting up on the bed studying a scroll.
She recalled that a message came by the hands of one of the King’s servants but she didn’t know whom it came from or what news it carried.
“Come in” the Queen said softly. She closed the door behind her as she made her way to the Queen.
“Your Excellency, you sent for me “ she said slowly as she studied the countenance of the Queen.
Queen Esther told her chief maid of what her uncle Mordecai had sent to her earlier in the day. She gave them the instruction on how to prepare the ground to see the king. ..cos no matter what happened she needed to save her people.

Fast forward to some years later, Paul gave us another instruction. ..We were to come boldly into His presence no matter what it was we were going to ask. And find grace to help in time of need.
This in itself is power…raw unadulterated power. The ability to just show up before the Master’s feet to ask for anything without fear. It even says “boldly”
A spiritual woman understands the power that is at her disposal which is found right at the Master’s feet. No need to be afraid, complain, nag or get worried sick! Just come!

I have personally recorded victories over victories of situations that were resolved in the place of prayer. The good part is that nothing is too small or too great to tell Him. No need to speak in any special way…just talk! It’s that simple.

As we begin a new week…take it to the Lord. Remember,  a prayerful woman is a powerful woman no matter your position or class!
So let’s get down on our knees. Before you tell it to anyone, talk to the Lord about it!